Admission to Lexington Adventist Academy is not denied to anyone because of race, color, nationality, or gender.
1. Although our primary purpose is to educate Seventh-day Adventist young people, we welcome other students who desire to develop a Christian character and to follow the philosophy and policies established by this school.
2. A child entering kindergarten must be at least five years of age by August 1. A birth certificate is required.
3. A child entering first grade shall be no less than six years of age by August 1. A birth certificate is required.
4. Lexington Adventist Academy is not equipped to educate students with certain special needs. We generally recommend that students who have significant scholastic or behavioral needs attend a school equipped to meet their needs.
The Admissions Committee is composed of the school board chairperson, the teaching staff, and the pastor of the church. The Admissions Committee will meet once a year and as needed otherwise, to review enrollment applications and make recommendations to the school board for final approval.
1. The first meeting will take place before the end of the school year. At this meeting, the committee will review the names of currently enrolled students and make enrollment recommendations to the school board for the following school year. All parents will be notified of these recommendations.
2. The second meeting will take place within one week of the start of the school year to review the applications of new students. Applications received after this time will be reviewed as they are received.
Admission to Lexington Adventist Academy is not denied to anyone because of race, color, nationality, or gender.
1. Although our primary purpose is to educate Seventh-day Adventist young people, we welcome other students who desire to develop a Christian character and to follow the philosophy and policies established by this school.
2. A child entering kindergarten must be at least five years of age by August 1. A birth certificate is required.
3. A child entering first grade shall be no less than six years of age by August 1. A birth certificate is required.
4. Lexington Adventist Academy is not equipped to educate students with certain special needs. We generally recommend that students who have significant scholastic or behavioral needs attend a school equipped to meet their needs.
The Admissions Committee is composed of the school board chairperson, the teaching staff, and the pastor of the church. The Admissions Committee will meet once a year and as needed otherwise, to review enrollment applications and make recommendations to the school board for final approval.
1. The first meeting will take place before the end of the school year. At this meeting, the committee will review the names of currently enrolled students and make enrollment recommendations to the school board for the following school year. All parents will be notified of these recommendations.
2. The second meeting will take place within one week of the start of the school year to review the applications of new students. Applications received after this time will be reviewed as they are received.
3. All students must be recommended for approval by the admissions committee before attending class.
4. Recommendations will be presented to the School Board for final approval.
5. New students will be accepted on a probationary basis for at least one quarter.
1. We are transitioning to an online application procedure through TADS. New families and those without a continuous enrollment agreement may fill out the application electronically or an application form which may be obtained from the school must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian.
2. All necessary forms and records must be on file before the student may attend class. These include a financial agreement, the previous report card, consent for treatment, health and immunization records, student pick-up authorization, birth certificate, and transcript request.
3. All financial obligations as described in the financial section of this Handbook must be met. A full refund will be provided for all applicants who are not accepted.
4. New students will be tested for grade placement.
5. All students and their parents will be required to interview with the homeroom teacher.