Lexington Adventist Academy is dependent on two main sources of income: tuition payments (including registration fees), and church subsidy. An earnest effort is continuously put forth to keep the cost of attendance low, while at the same time striving to maintain quality and professionalism in our education program. Our goal is to make Christian education an affordable opportunity for everyone. Although the cost may involve some degree of financial sacrifice, it is our belief that the future dividends will be far greater in value than the present investment.
2024-2025 tuition is divided into ten equal payments from August through May. Payments are due on the 1st day of each month beginning with August.
Tuition must be paid with a check, money order, Zelle, or Cash. It is the responsibility of the paying party to ensure that sufficient funds are in the account to cover the tuition at the time it is due.
Overdue payment policy:
After 5 days – a notice will be sent informing parents that their account is past due and must be paid or satisfactorily addressed.
After 10 days – Students will not be permitted to return to classes until their account is paid in full.
There will be a $35 charge on all returned checks.
Tuition payments for students enrolling mid-year will be billed for the number of months enrolled. The total amount due will be divided by the remaining months of school.
A 5% tuition discount will be given if registration fees and the entire year’s tuition are paid in full at the time of registration.
It is the policy of KY-TN Conference and this school to withhold all report cards, cumulative records, and diplomas of all students until the last month’s statement is paid in full.
No school board member or school official is authorized to make exceptions to these policies. However, special requests may be submitted to the chair of the school board or to the principal for consideration by the finance committee.
Grades K-8
A $100 “save my spot” fee is requested for each student at the time of registration. That fee will be applied to the August payment.
Tuition costs include registration fees, field trips, school insurance, and yearbooks.
Annual Tuition, including Family Plan for multiple siblings
1st Student $4800
2nd Student $4400
3rd Student $4000
9th/10th Grade Registration / Tuition N/A
1. If needed, request a Financial Assistance Application, fill it out, and return it to the LAA principal or treasurer.
2. Lexington Church Board Worthy Student Committee will evaluate each application and determine how much this church can assist each family. Families need to ask their church, or other people to help make up the difference.
3. In order to receive financial assistance, students must be up-to-date on their school assignments and maintain a grade point average of C- (70%) or above.
4. Parents who qualify for assistance will be expected to help at the school on a regular basis. The treasurer and the principal will give each family a responsibility.
5. Assistance comes from donors, and is not a discount. A thank-you letter from families will be required yearly to continue receiving assistance. The finance committee will keep a record of thank-you notes turned in.
Zelle payments:
Zella payments can be made by using our email address: